I think if we are to fully delight in life we must live without detachment. Because when we become attached to a beliief we feel a desire that we are right. The problem with being right, even if we are right is that our beliefs then try to attach themselfs to virgin snow, and change people to our thinking. Often all this accompanies is to leave our mucky footprints on another persons light hearted and cheerful disposition.
Ovbiously I appreciate my above comment has many holes in it, but I wrote it having looked back on my superior righteousness when I preached as a sincere witness. All I accomplished was many wasted hours.( I should say years) And with those whom I studied with it only accomplished taking away a persons light hearted and cheerful disposition.
Now when I meet people I want to accomplish something more important than my truth. I want people to simply like the person I am. I think that this is something worthwhile, and I now realise how often when I was on the ministry strangers whom I judged, gave me the special gift of themselfs.
This is why I enjoy the company of children, what they do not know about my deeper thoughts does not concern them, and nor should it. When the ball rolls down the path way, it simply rolls down the pathway, the science and religious stuff as why the ball rolls down the pathway is unimportant.